Thursday, October 14, 2010

Robert Moses Lighthouse

Charlie and I went for a walk at the beach to the Robert Moses Lighthouse. It was really nice. I got some really neat pictures because there was a storm rolling over us. It was still nice to be out. Not too cold, just right for Johnson not to overheat.. Looking at the pictures can make you feel like it is some desolate place of the Eastern Coast-not exactly New York. I had never been and really enjoyed it. I did a little research on Robert Moses and he was responsible for a lot of building during the latter part of the 1900's here in New York. He developed a lot of the expressways and I think to this day a lot of his work is controversial. A lot of his work promoted highways and not public transportation which signals signs of racism to me. I have also heard that due to the way he developed the bridges and off-ramps it prevented buses to ever travel much outside of the city and back then buses=immigrants & black people. But who am I too judge because hey I am one of the millions driving on his developments!

Ok now you can look at the pictures!

Oh btw, now that the fall time is here all the leaves have begun to fall and change colors. It is SOO beautiful and I am constantly in awe because this is a rare sight for a Southern Californian. We are planning to go to PA this weekend for our last shabang before Puerto Rico and our cross country drive and I am hoping to see trees of red, orange and yellows!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Email

Just an FYI that I have a new email. I was getting so much junk mail and weird messages from World of Warcraft...THEN there was an alert that someone was accessing my account in China!! So I thought it was time for a change. Update your address books!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today Charlie and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary. We are going out to a place called Mangoes which is a Long Island attempt at Mexican food ;-) I am excited because since leaving SD i have been going through Mexican food withdrawls!!!

Anywho, sorry I don't have any pictures i have misplaced[lost] my camera! just sharing the loove <33 4 years and couldn't be happier because not only do i have a remarkable Charles Psillos in my life but i have acquired a whole new family too :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our List--Of Travels

I had this idea for a blog a little while ago when Charlie and I got back from Canada. Since I met him I have been keeping a journal with a lot of random things, songs we like, quotes, movie tickets, concert stubs, poems, actual journal entries, and a list of all the places we have traveled together. <3

We recently found out that at the end of October we will be traveling to Puerto Rico (my first time and i am so excited!)

Sometimes it get's tricky when you start to do the cities but eh it's your list, do it however you want :-p. I encourage you fellow traveling couples to respond with your's too or even my friend's who are single :) It is a small thing I have been doing and 4 years later I am happy that I have been doing it (that's right I said 4 years, it will be our anniversary at the end of this month!)

So here's the list:

San Onore, CA

Dingman's Ferry, Pennsylvania

Long Island, Montauk, NY

Tijuana, Rosarito, La Fonda, Mexico

Salt Lake City, Utah

Sequoia National Park, CA

Oahu and Big Island, Hawaii

Idylwilld, CA

New Paltz, NY

Santa Barabara, CA

San Luis Obispo, CA

San Francisco, CA

Santa Cruz, CA

Houston and Austin, Texas

Brentwood and Antioch, CA

WestPort, Ontario, Canada


Drove through: New Jersey, PA, Delaware, D.C., Virginia, NC, Tennesse, GA, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, NM, AZ, NV, CO, NE, IA, IL, Indiana (soon to go there w/ charlie for my family reunion) and Ohio

I know for some of you the list is a lot longer but hey...Were working on it :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Tucker

I stole these pictures from Becky! Charlie's cousin Becky who lives in Hawaii (she completely welcomed us into her home when we were done with our stay at the eco-friendly farm in the Big Island) has a little rugrat of her own and she took a few pictures of us with the babe. Charlie and Tucker match, it's pretty cute!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yankee Game Photos

About a month ago our friend Matt had extra tickets to the Yankee game and he invited Charlie and I to go. We had a great time. I never posted any pictures from it! The stadium was great. Although it was HUGE it still wasn't overcrowded and was easy to get food and walk to the bathroom etc. There was no one exceptionally obnoxious when we were there (probably because it was us) and I had an awesome time. It was definitely a fun ambience and experience. I watched the game for the first hour and then started to get distracted...Not so much so though that I knew the Yankees lost!!

ps-it's funny that half of the guys are all wearing sunglasses on the train...I don't know if they did that to look "cool" for the pictures or if they had them on before..crazy kids

Bad Connection

I have not been blogging anything because my internet connection has been so bad recently! I don't know what it is...It keeps telling me "connection timeout," so I took it to work and it is actually working here..hopefully i can take it home and it will still work!

Anywho I stole some pictures from Jess's blog from the family reunion Charlie had in NY.. Enjoy :)