Friday, May 28, 2010

Impatiens-The flowers not the noun

The last few days I have been planting impatiens for Charlie's mom. There was A LOT of them. It took me about 6 hours total but I split it up in a few days. Kathy was telling me they grow really well here in New York and you see them a lot. Well needless to say after hours of gardening and having time to ponder I started to think that it was sort of ironic that the flower grows so well in an environment FULL of impatient people. I have determined it is in the air you breathe here on the East Coast. I even find myself much more anxious and impatient at times [especially driving :]. I believe it all melds with the whole "quick pace" that you hear a lot of people talk about. Everything is quicker, snappier, in-and-out type of thing going on here which = impatience.

Anyway I think the flowers look great. I have done some gardening before but it was mostly potting type of stuff or little plants nothing like...landscaping! It was a lot of work but I really enjoy being able to see the colorful results. I am excited to see them when they start blossoming!

Now for the visuals..

You didn't think I would write all that and not put pictures up did you?!?!

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