Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thanksgiving in San Diego

I knew I probably wouldn't be going home for Christmas so I made a point to go back for Thanksgiving.  I was able to find really cheap tickets to SD for Monday-Thursday.  I flew in Monday before noon and was greeted with a sunny sky, palm trees and warm air (75+).  I spent the day catching up, eating my favorite Dad prepared meal and going through things that I have been shipping home (more info on that later).  We would have our Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday at my Dad's house and instead of doing a traditional dinner with my Mom too we decided to go to the spa instead.  I have been going to Glen Ivy Spa since was a like 4 or 5.  It is in Temecula surrounded by mountains and palm trees.  It is outdoors with different pools, mineral baths and of course a mud pool where you rub mud all over yourself to cleanse your skin.  This place is like a mecca for my Mom and I.

 I don't have any pictures inside the spa because i know better then to bring my phone around pools..

It was so fun to see all the animals again too!

These two watching me eat a burrito..


I woke up to this, the cat is in the back, Dalilah is nuzzled in the middle and then of course Hercules. 

My Mom and I after the spa day.

Kitty did a lot of preparing for this meal.  My Dad is traditionally the cook but he wants nothing to do with the Turkey and all the work a thanksgiving meal has so he made rolls, soup and green beans while Kitty prepared a pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing, cranberry, and mashed potatoes.  The beautiful setting can be credited to my brother Pavel.  One day he will throw some awesome dinner parties.

We started off with some appetizers a few hours before.  My Dad bought all these delicious cheese's and salalmis.  This is a traditional looking spread in my house.

Especially with soccer in the background...

Then it was time for the main course.

Dinner was so good! Naturally and expectedly we stuffed ourselves to the point of no return.  

I have been feeling more and more like my Father's daughter.   From my mannerisms, interests, music tastes and personality I notice things about myself that I see in him.  So naturally this kind of stuff happens..

As a kid he always found things to put on his eyes like this, so rather then put away the napkin rings we found a better use for them.

Honestly, no shame. :)

This was probably one of the things I miss most, not only being with my Dad but witnessing his amazing abilities.  He recently bought a new guitar and was playing a little for me.  He has recently been composing some new pieces also.

It was a holiday i was very grateful for.

Monday, October 6, 2014

My Best Friend's Wedding

Well one of them anyway :)

On June 21, 2014 (yes i realized how overdue this is) my friend Corey married his high school sweetheart Janine.  I have known and been friends with Corey since we were both awkward adolescents in band, which was 6th grade.  As far as I remember knowing Corey we were always good friends.  Since high school we have continued to be friends although not always seeing each other on a regular basis.  His now wife and him moved to TX for a few years while Charlie and I bounced around (like the nomads we are) but we did our best to do some double dates and keep in touch.  About six months before Corey's wedding I called him on my way home from work and he shared some news with me, he had asked me to be apart of his wedding, on the groomsmen's side.  How could I resist saying no?  I was really honored he wanted me to be apart of it in that way.  There were some tricks, like finding an appropriate dress color while being across the country and getting time off work to make the wedding.  I was slightly on the fence about if i was going to go before the call but now I knew i would make it there!!

So on Friday the day before the wedding I left work a little early and flew out to San Diego for the weekend.

The wedding took place at a beautiful country club maybe five minutes from my moms house.  My Brother Pavel would be my date and although I missed the rehearsal things went smoothly.

The rest of Corey's groomsmen consisted of his brother and two friends who I have also known since my freshman high school days.  It was like a reunion of some of my favorite people.

Before the ceremony we did a little photo shoot.  Had some fun with that..

Notice how well I was able to match my dress WITHOUT seeing his suit!

This picture below was not as smooth as it looked.  Since it was a bunch of dudes, they all wanted whiskey and well that meant I had whiskey too..  I did my best to not make a face as this girl was trying to get a picture of us but man oh man it was harsh.

The ceremony was a success!  Lots of sweet words exchanged, lots of hooting and hollering, and smiles.

Beautiful bride and groom. 

I loved this photo of them under the tree.

Photo session following the ceremony..

I think this one was one of my favorites..

After cocktail hour I was finally able to hang out with my date.

I was really happy he came with me.  It made the rest of the wedding much more fun and he was much more willing to dance with me then Charlie would have been :)

Our table.

The photobooth..

I did unfortunately have to leave around ten because If i didn't i never would have been able to wake up for my morning flight home.  I missed some of the sparklers but was happy I was able to be there for the most important part.

Thanks again Corey for asking me to be apart of your wedding.  I love you like a brother man.  It was a great day to celebrate the beginning of your wedded journey!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 29, 2006

Thats right, yesterday, 8 years ago Charlie and I became apart of each others life.  If you asked me where the time has gone and I had to answer quickly I would say, "I haven't a clue!" So I started to ask myself where did it go?  What have we done?  With the passage of time it seems that we (at least Charlie & I) can overlook and take for granted some of the noteworthy things that we have done together.  We forget that it is not only our future we need to focus on but relive and praise our past as well because that is what brought us to this moment, this moment that we celebrate eight years of our friendship, laughter, memories, love and partnership together.

The question still remains, what have we done?

-Traveled to Oahu and the Big Island, exploring what it was like to live in a self-sustaining community. It was our attempt at a really hippy life, maybe we didn't stay as long as we planned but that experience and time in Hawaii i would never exchange.

-Went to Portugal (slightly on a whim) because we were offered free room and board, i.e. cheap adventure

-Several trips to Puerto Rico, a place I may love more than Hawaii.

-Camping in Mexico, Canada, and Southern California

-Trips to Texas, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

-Now, more cross country drives then I know..Going Northern and Southern route, doing half the trip in 24 hours, stopping in TX and doing the other 24 straight, while also stopping at taking our time.  With numerous adventures along the way like Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and visiting my cousin in Iowa.

-Charlie completed his Associates, while I did the same and got a BA, and now in pursuit of an MA.

-We both fell in love with a part of San Diego we never knew in Oceanside.

-We have met so many wonderful countless people from around the world that it is hard to remember them all but it somehow makes you feel more connected to society.

But most importantly what we have done is grown together as individuals and partners, while loving, learning and respecting each other along the way.

For our anniversary we kept it simple and modest.  As that tends to be how we are.  I never really want jewelry or anything crazy.  Just some flowers, good food and drink.  This year I got the most beautiful color orchid and dinner at our favorite Mexican place on the Island.  For Charlie I bought him the usual surf magazines and made him something I thought was unique and helpful (so he can't ever use the excuse that he will forget our anniversary!! :)

I bought a wood burning tool and etched in or name and date we met onto this slab of wood.  I think he was surprised that I did one of my craft projects he liked so much (ha!).

And my beautiful flower.

Happy anniversary Charlie and cheers to many more!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Class of 2014..

It's unbelievable but my little brother is really not so little anymore, in fact he graduated high school!

I was pretty sure that I was going to California for the graduation but i also knew the following weekend I had to go for a wedding.  Since I couldn't take the time off of work to just stay through the whole week I was always wishy washy with Pavel about coming out.  When I did decide that I would fly out I thought (maybe making up for my big mouth during childhood) maybe I will keep it a secret.  I knew this would be hard though because one, the big mouth two, my brother can be on the nosey side, especially with text messages. SO all of my communiK was done verbally which doesn't sound hard but it made me realize how dependent on texting and emailing I am.  Anyway, I flew out the Thursday of the graduation and popped out from behind and really surprised him.  I think he was genuinely shocked with pleasure that I had made it.  I gave him a whole spiel the night before about how sorry I was and how he had to facetime me and yada yada, what he didn't realize is that his older sister has some tricks up her sleeve :)

This was right when I popped out from the hallway to actually surprise him.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but the opportunity presented itself and on a whim it worked out!

Waiting to receive his diploma..

Officially graduated

I'm upset the bottom of this picture is blurry because it is such a great photo.

I was really happy to find that it was a small graduating class.  Only about 200 kids, give or take.  It was a beautiful day and great to be with family. 

Another reason I wanted to go out was because of the family that was coming into town for his special day.  My aunt and uncle from San Francisco, an aunt in NorCal and my step mom's cousin and husband from Indiana.  I couldn't believe how quickly time goes but it has actually been years since I had seen them and I was just so pleased I could be able to spend that time with my family. 

Dad, Kitty & the Graduate

Father & Son

Brother & Sister


My cousin Ryan and his girlfriend turned up during the pictures and also made it in!  Charlie and I were close with him when living in California so it was an extra treat that they made it to the party. 

And of course...

The rest of the evening was filled with BBQ, margaritas, laughter and presents.  

Pavel, I am so proud of you!