Sunday, June 29, 2014

Class of 2014..

It's unbelievable but my little brother is really not so little anymore, in fact he graduated high school!

I was pretty sure that I was going to California for the graduation but i also knew the following weekend I had to go for a wedding.  Since I couldn't take the time off of work to just stay through the whole week I was always wishy washy with Pavel about coming out.  When I did decide that I would fly out I thought (maybe making up for my big mouth during childhood) maybe I will keep it a secret.  I knew this would be hard though because one, the big mouth two, my brother can be on the nosey side, especially with text messages. SO all of my communiK was done verbally which doesn't sound hard but it made me realize how dependent on texting and emailing I am.  Anyway, I flew out the Thursday of the graduation and popped out from behind and really surprised him.  I think he was genuinely shocked with pleasure that I had made it.  I gave him a whole spiel the night before about how sorry I was and how he had to facetime me and yada yada, what he didn't realize is that his older sister has some tricks up her sleeve :)

This was right when I popped out from the hallway to actually surprise him.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but the opportunity presented itself and on a whim it worked out!

Waiting to receive his diploma..

Officially graduated

I'm upset the bottom of this picture is blurry because it is such a great photo.

I was really happy to find that it was a small graduating class.  Only about 200 kids, give or take.  It was a beautiful day and great to be with family. 

Another reason I wanted to go out was because of the family that was coming into town for his special day.  My aunt and uncle from San Francisco, an aunt in NorCal and my step mom's cousin and husband from Indiana.  I couldn't believe how quickly time goes but it has actually been years since I had seen them and I was just so pleased I could be able to spend that time with my family. 

Dad, Kitty & the Graduate

Father & Son

Brother & Sister


My cousin Ryan and his girlfriend turned up during the pictures and also made it in!  Charlie and I were close with him when living in California so it was an extra treat that they made it to the party. 

And of course...

The rest of the evening was filled with BBQ, margaritas, laughter and presents.  

Pavel, I am so proud of you! 

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