Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Belated Christmas

This is a little belated Christmas post.  I only have a few pictures but I just wanted to share them.  We had a nice holiday. We had a delicious Czech Christmas Eve dinner at my Dads.  In CZ generally you celebrate on Christmas Eve, which includes opening all your presents and doing the big dinner.  We opted to save opening presents for Christmas Day but we ate enough for two days.

It was a beautiful spread.  My Dad made that whole basket of rolls, smazeny kuře which is basically what a New Yorker would call a chicken cutlet, homemade potato salad, cucumber salad, and my cousin (she is older then my Father and I consider her more of an aunt, Jana) made that huge plate of traditional Czech cookies in the bottom left corner of the picture. SO difficult to not go out of control with eating in my house..
Even Johnson dressed up for the holiday and was waiting for some scraps to drop..

After dinner we went to my Moms to spend the rest of the evening with her.  I bought these holiday headbands for the dogs and we had a lot of fun torturing them with wearing them. I think they all thought they were in trouble because they had this sad look on their face!

Then of course my mom and I had to try them on..

Thats all i got! Hope all had a happy holidays and we are wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous new year!

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