I have been slacking on putting an update on here because we have just been getting settled in!
As far as our actual moving day went it was pretty smooth. The weather was good and we got a good deal on a truck and two guys to help us move. It only took us a few hours. We found a couch on Craigslist and other then getting a microwave and a coffee table we have everything we need! My wonderful parents got us a George Foreman grill, kitchen supplies, blender and my mom took us to Costco and now we have enough food till the summer!! We bought a Playstation3 and we have been loving it!
Tomorrow I go to my orientation for school and schedule my classes. Then school starts the following week! I am anxious and excited to get started.
I have a few pictures of our place! They are taken from my phone so they are not the best quality but I will have more coming.

Charlie cooking in our kitchen! Because we have so much food we have been doing A LOT of cooking. Nothing fancy but yummy :) We are having fun with the independence.

Here is a view of the sunset from our bedroom window. I was informed it is a "peekaboo view" of the water. Good enough for me!

Living room area..

Probably one of my favorite things about this place is the bathroom! It is newly remodeled, clean, fairly big and i love the tiles! We looked at a few other places and in the end it was trying to decide between a back patio area with a HORRID bathroom or this place with the nice bathroom and no outside space. Charlie let me make the final choice :)

Last but not least the bedroom! I had trouble getting a good picture of the full room with lighting and the angles but this pictures give an idea of the setup!
We have said hello to a few of our neighbors but we don't know them by name yet. It is fairly quite here at night. We are RIGHT across the street from a high school so I think that helps with the keeping the noise level down at night. We have been taking walks to the beach at sunset and it doesn't even take us 10 minutes to get down there! We are starting to get to know the area, restaurants, shops and just things to do around here. We are also walking distance from the movies and a surf museum! How perfect right?
Charlie has been working a lot! I pretty much unpacked all of our stuff because he has been working so much! My cousin got him a job in an office cleaning, answering phones filling and what not. He seems to like it enough.
We are so happy.
Hope everyone had a great holiday!!